Review- Story of Tublu

Title: Story of Tublu – An Amazing Journey called life

Author: Jahid Akhtar

My review- This is one of my first book reviews & I’m sure is the start to the several ones I’ll be posting. The story is an enjoyable read & as described by the author, portrays the friendship between a boy & a girl, right from their childhood. This book helped me to get out of my daily rut & finish off the book within a couple of days.

The beautiful narration, simplicity of the vocabulary & the honesty with which the story is told, captivated me till the end. Who says a book should be written with heavy words & a twisted plot?

Story Of Tublu is a tale of emotions, coming of age & relationships. Akhtar beautifully takes us through each stage in Tublu’s life & at some point in the book, I started visualizing the whole scene right in front of me.  

Destroyed by floods, Bipin and his young boy Tublu move to a distant land, where they seek help from the Sharmas which starts a deep bond between the two families. This also marks the start of a budding friendship of their children, Tublu and Maina. Tublu, the protagonist, develops a secret crush on Maina .As time passes, Tublu's unspoken crush on Maina develops into a deep affection and desire. He secretly years for the same attention from her, & but never openly admits & speaks about his feelings to her but through his gestures lets Maina know that she is special.. Maina, accepts his affection but never reciprocates it till the end. It breaks his heart when he comes to know that Maina has given out her heart to someone else. It’s a journey through different phases of life, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.

Some parts of the book brought forth a strong nostalgia in me- Chitrahar on Doordarshan, the ragging, preparing for campus interviews etc.

The straightforward narration of the various events in Tublu & his father’s life impressed me. The simple lifestyle in a small town in Eastern India took me down memory lane. The story is predictable & the foreward reveals the entire plot along with the climax. Do avoid reading it if possible as it includes spoilers. :)

The story ends beautifully & the author manages to capture one’s attention till the end with one event after another. However if asked one thing, which could have been improved in the book, I would the its the editing. :) That's the critic in me speaking!!

Format: Paperback | Pages: 204 | Publisher: LiFi Publications | Published: 2015 | Language: English |ISBN- 978-9382536758

<p style="text-align: left;">The book was received as part of Reviewers Programme on <strong><a href="">The Tales Pensieve</a></strong>.<strong></strong></p>


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