Celebrating the Journey called "Life"

Happiness is something which cannot be defined, because it means something different to each individual. Neither is it tradable, nor can it be measured & yet, everyone wants to be happy in this world & few agree that the choice to be happy lies solely with the individual. Depending on others for one’s own happiness is like placing a part of your life into someone else’s care. 

Nobody can fully experience or understand another person’s happiness. For some, it means earning a million bucks while for another it may mean excelling in studies yet for another, it is to see a smile on their loved one’s face. Happiness is associated with peace, excitement & exhilaration, & one person may feel happy in a variety of ways.

We live life like it’s a race, where we have to reach the finish line as fast as possible and get as much done as possible. Always on the go, stuck in a rut, we are often living the life of a robot, connected 24X7 by technology-phone calls, text messages and emails. Many of us, don’t take moments to stop, enjoy and appreciate the smaller events in life which actually are those rejuvenators which keep us going in the daily rigor.

To me, these moments of reflection and passing are the most important. Being in nature’s lap, amidst greenery with fragrant, blooming flowers and the cool wind brushing against my skin transports me to an immediate state of happiness and placidity. Walks along the beach on weekends, or enjoying quiet family time with my parents after a long day, are the moments I cherish the most. These are all moments I take to repose, live in the present and enjoy the small pleasures, Life gifts me.
“To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon the verdant green hills is the most perfect  refreshment”  ~ Jane Austin
My source of happiness :)

I would prefer a quiet day amidst nature, under shady trees in all hues of green & bright flowers to one where I would get the best of technology & comforts at my fingertips. Nature is therapeutic. The  most inspirational and truthful quote I’ve heard is- 
“Life is not measured by the numbers of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away” ~ Anonymous. 
It’s true. Life brings the most happiness and meaning when its fulfilled by the events that make us laugh, inspire us and give us that feeling of inner achievement, worth and tranquility.

Happiness is difficult to define because it is particular to each individual, but I believe that our basic needs for shelter, food and company need to be fulfilled before we can experience it.

#CelebrateLifeAtIvy by owning a dream home at Ivy estate, an 85 acre estate with 34 acres of greenery and open spaces. Join the 1600 happy families already living here. Check out this walkthrough video and decide for yourself.


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