Book Review- It Doesn't Hurt To Be Nice by Amisha Sethi

Title: It Doesn't Hurt To Be Nice 
Author: Amisha Sethi
Publisher: Srishti Publishers & Distributors
ISBN: 978-93-82665-48-9
Number of Pages: 130
Price: 175 [INR]

Usually, before starting any book, I read the summary on the back cover or on the internet. So, the first impression I got when I started reading the book was that of any other self help book. But its only when, the story detailed out small instances in Kiara's life, common ones which happen in most of ours, that it made me sit up & introspect. 

The author has in a simple language managed to explain the deeper insights of life, those which we refuse to acknowledge in our fast paced life, the tiny signs sent by the Universe- to be kind, to let go & move on. 

Kiara, a thirty year old, top marketing professional has climbed the ladder of success by hard work & kindness, not once looking for a shorter route to it. Throughout her life, she finds wisdom in the simpler aspects of life- spreading smiles, joy & most importantly, trusting in herself. When the dark days loom upon her, to the extent that she even thinks of ending her life; it is deep within, that she finds the strength to lift up her head & face the world again. Look for the tiniest rays of hope & happiness in the darkest of times & hold on to it.

There are tidbits mentioned from the Upanishads & the Bhagwad Gita after each chapter ends, which serves as a time for reflection before you move on to the next. Each piece of advice is interspersed with humor & illustrations which was something I loved.

My favorite quote from the book is "Be like a bird; keep flying high. And never get attached to a tree so much that it clings to your own existence... The bird's real purpose is to fly... fly high "
The story is fast paced & the incidents mentioned are something which we can all relate to. Great book to finish off on a short journey. Kudos to Amisha for pouring so much depth in her writing. I felt a sense of warm happiness & positivity after finishing the book. There were moments of deja vu' too. Walk with Kiara as you read the book to find a better you & remember, "It Doesn't Hurt to Be Nice"

My Rating - 4/5


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