#CleanUpCashOut this Diwali !

The age of the smart phone is gone- the smarter phone is here! Just kidding! Humans are and will be the smarter ones (I hope atleast!) Everyday I pass by billboards, announcing new models of smart phones, TV commercials and magazines carrying so many advertisements, social media campaigns on new launches etc. That is when you look at the cell device in your hand! The loyal cell phone which has lasted for about a year and a half or more, suddenly seems obsolete, scratched and you feel it’s time for a new one! Better megapixels on the camera, higher storage space, an easier UI and a sleek model- who wouldn’t want to hold a gleaming phone in one’s palm ? A cell phone is soon becoming a style statement. Well, that’s exactly what happened to me! A funny memory it is, if I look back.

I was gifted my first cell phone in the first year of college- a Nokia ! I was elated! Listening to music was never easier. The poor Ipod looked forlorn and the digital camera lost its charm. Within a year, however, arrived the smart phones- with better storage, cameras , internet and the world of Apps! I felt I was missing out and decided to use my saved-up money to buy a new phone! Now, what would a college student- all of 18, want to do with her old phone? Yes, you’re right- Sell it! I put out word- in college, with my parents to inform their colleagues at work, on my social media accounts etc. A junior from school approached me via one of my social media accounts. Since I was offering the old phone at 50% of the original price-she said she could afford it. But, she would pay me in instalments!!!! I agreed. It had been my first phone and it would be her first one too! The deal was done. I bought my gleaming new smart phone and handed over the old device to this friend! She sincerely deposited the first instalment amount (to be spread across 6 months.. Phew!). Then the second one arrived- 10 days late. The third one was very delayed and then it never came. It turned out, that the parents were livid after knowing that she had acquired a phone (Seems unbelievable now, right?!). The phone and the money exchanged hands again! And I was back with my old phone again..

After the episode, several attempts were made by me to dispose off the phone- but apart from blank calls from random buyers, nothing much worked!  Shopkeepers too refused to buy it and exchange offers were practically non- existent. Online portals to enable transactions were not around at that time. After a certain point, I gave up. The phone, however come to my rescue on numerous occasions in the years after.

A few days back, I heard about Cashify, a localised online network enabling people to sell off their old gadgets- mobiles, laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, tablets, Imacs etc. for a doorstep pick up and instant cash delivery. Available in many cities across India. The amazing part about it, is that you get an instant price quote depending on the model of your gadget! They also guarantee an assured sale and privacy of information! Sounds too good to be true, right? 

If you’re looking to sell off a gadget this Diwali- Do check out https://www.cashify.in/ !! Using a promocode- CLEANCASH also gives you an additional 250 bucks (limited period offer)

Selling off a gadget was never easier! #CleanUpCashOut for some on spot cash. All of this in 60 seconds!

(Image Courtesy: Pinterest)


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