Making Every Drop Count !

"You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry"

Imagine, a hot summer day and you're running errands exhausted, and would give anything for a sip of cold water to refresh you. Now, imagine a similar scenario- but now, there's no water left on the planet. What would one want to consume to refresh oneself? It's a scary thought, which we are quick to dismiss giving an excuse that the situation is still a long way to go! Well, that's where we are wrong! 

Out of all the water on Planet Earth, only 2-2.8% is fresh, drinking water. This small percent which currently sustains all life forms is fast depleting. Places such as Cape Town in South Africa have already run out of water. Several other cities are already heading towards this sad situation. Rajasthan, interiors of rural Maharashtra and Bihar face drought like conditions every year. Water conservation requires the efforts of each and every human being. Tiny steps towards saving water daily will help to a huge extent to provide for our future generations. The "green planet" will remain green only when there is blue too!

There are several ways of water conservation which you can begin with. #CuttingPaani by Livpure, is one such initiative, where Livpure in its innovative way encourages people to ask for or use a "cutting" glass of water when at a restaurant or at somebody's house. You can always ask for more if you need it. This will avoid wastage of hundreds of gallons of drinking water (starting with India and then the rest of the world!). The term, "cutting" meaning half, is normally used in India for a glass of tea. While Paani is a Hindi word for water. #CuttingPaani meaning half a glass of water. Brilliant isn't it?

Farmers in the Vidarbha district in Maharashtra commit suicides due to poverty every year. The poverty arises from the lack of rain in the area and no facilities for water irrigation. The poor farmers resort to crude ways of water conservation which do not yield effective for crops. It is a serious situation, one which demands us to sit upright and take steps towards positive changes.
Some steps for saving water in your day to day lives can be:
  1. Close the tap while brushing your teeth. Switch it on when you need it.
  2. Use a washing machine when there are adequate clothes to be washed. Using it when there are only a couple of dirty laundry leads to huge water wastage.
  3. While cleaning out water filters, use the water for plants in your garden.
  4. Use the flush half way if possible. 
  5. Repair leaking taps right away
  6. Discuss the possibility of rain water conservation if you live in a housing complex or even on your terrace during the rains.
  7. Switch off the water motor on time to avoid water from gushing out due to overfilling 
We need to remember the famous saying, "Drops of water make an ocean". A small effort goes a long way ...  sign the petition today!

(Images: Google)


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