Book Review : The House that BJ Built by Anuja Chauhan

Publisher: Westland Books

Genre: Drama (Fiction)

Binding: Paperback 

Pages: 410

Anuja Chauhan's, The House That BJ Built , is the second of the Thakur Girls trilogy & the madness of the characters of the rich Delhi family on Hailey road continues in this sequel. The  story this time revolves around the tussle for the 200 crore Hailey road property & shows the society's obsession with 'hissa', heirs & fake wills. A number of roadblocks hamper the sale of the property which the 4 daughters a.k.a the Thakur Girls, want to sell off.

" I’ll make my sisters squirm like well-salted earthworms.
I won’t sell. Even my jutti won’t sell. 
And if I die na, then even my gosht won’t sell! "

The book has three plots running simultaneously- the property tussle for the Hailey Road bungalow, Samar Vir Singh's quest for directing a film based on his great grandfather's true story & Samar & Bonu Singh's romance; which keep the reader entertained. The numerous characters in the story are distinctly described, each with a flavor unique to himself/herself. 

True to her style, Anuja Chauhan  ends up making the reader laugh, cry & giggle at various points with her witty dialogues. The story gets chaotic somewhere in the middle with too many happenings - a dose of Bollywood, Eshwari & Satish's romance, minority rights & frequent court sittings.

Overall a nice & fun read, as I really appreciated Chauhan's style of effortless story writing which kept me engrossed till the end.

My Rating- 3.5/5


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