Thank God for Weekends!

There are weekends where you are busy meeting friends, partying, finishing off the household chores & then there are those which are only meant for your own self, enjoying your own company, doing things you like. Happy weekends for me mean mean some of the following.

  1. Catching up on the reading.
  2. Waking up late (without an alarm !)
  3. Loitering around the house in pajamas
  4. Catching up with loved ones
  5. Cleaning the house (This makes me really happy. Scrubbing, dusting, rearranging stuff :D )
  6. Stocking up on groceries
  7. More reading
  8. Watching your favorite sitcoms/ movies /shows
  9. Blogging
  10. Eating good food (Good food need not mean "fine dining", it may even be "Maggi" )
  11. A stroll by the sea or in a park
  12. Being up till late without any worries of waking up early the next day
  13. And some more reading

Weekends help one rejuvenate. Even if you end up carrying work for the weekend, ensure you finish it off on Saturday morning & DO NOT check email up till Sunday evening unless you want to ruin that perfect good mood you are in. Sometimes, the Monday blues do creep into the Sunday evening, but enjoy that Sunday while it lasts & keep yourself busy doing something you like!

 Happy Weekend Guys! :-)


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