Book Review : 'The Bestseller She Wrote' by Ravi Subramanian

Title: The Bestseller She Wrote
Author: Ravi Subramanian
Publisher: Westland Books
Pages: 391
Genre: Romance Thriller
Price: 295
Over the past few months, my speed of reading has considerably reduced- what with exams, assignments, events etc.. So, when the opportunity came to review this one, I vowed to finish reading this one within a week. It helped cause it's a thriller. And I love thrillers. It took me 4 days to finish reading it completely. The story is gripping, intense with several twists. After having read, "God is a Gamer", I was sure that this was going to be another interesting one too.

The story is about Shreya Kaushik, an IIM alumnus, Aditya Kapoor, a famous banker turned writer & Maya, his wife. Set in the background of the corporate world, it gives us a glimpse into the world of publishing as well. Personal ambitions, professional & personal commitments and love, all clash together throughout the story. Although the book starts out with a romantic plot, it gradually moves to a suspense thriller. 
Aditya's first encounter with Shreya Kaushik, starts with an argument at a college event. This first encounter leads Shreya to read Aditya's novel overnight to make up for the damage due to the argument. Soon enough, she terms his books, "unputdownable" & becomes his admirer & fan. 
Shreya, seeks the guidance of India's most successful fiction writer, Aditya to write & publish her debut novel. Aditya, a happily married man, slowly falls for Shreya's charm & beauty. Maya is oblivious to the entire saga. Shreya, uses the situation to her advantage & plays "juliet" & a victim at the same time. The true test of love happens towards the end of the story. I'll refrain from mentioning the climax here in the interest of those who have not read the book yet. :)

The book is an easy read with simple language. The story is a little stretched in a few chapters & some unnecessary bits & parts have been included. Some parts seemed like from a typical Bollywood masala movie. Maya, being struck down by Ebola was another part which surprised me. Ebola? Like Seriously?!!!

Unmistakable in its Indian essence, Ravi Subramanian has once again catapulted the story to the best seller category. The book has been ruling the charts since its release.
The story though a tad bit slow in the beginning, picks up quickly towards the end. It also allows us a sneak peek into how the "best selling" business works in the world of publishing. 

The climax was enough to guess & bit too dramatic for my liking. However, it perfectly fits the bill of a typical Bollywood movie, which it is soon going to be made into (as mentioned on the cover)

Would love to hear about your views, if you have read the book too! :)

My Rating- 3/5
I am reviewing ‘The Bestseller She Wrote’ by Ravi Subramanian as a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!


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