Title: The Bestseller She Wrote Author: Ravi Subramanian Publisher: Westland Books Pages: 391 Genre: Romance Thriller Price: 295 O ver the past few months, my speed of reading has considerably reduced- what with exams, assignments, events etc.. So, when the opportunity came to review this one, I vowed to f i nish reading this one within a week. It helped cause it 's a thriller. And I love thrillers . It took me 4 days to finish reading it completely. The story is gripping, intense with several twists. After having read, "God is a Gamer", I was sure that this was going to be another interesting one too. The story is about Shreya Kaushik, an IIM alumnus, Aditya Kapoor, a famous banker turned writer & Maya, his wife. Set in the background of the corporate world, it gives us a glimpse into the world of publishing as well. Personal ambitions, professional & personal commitments and love, all clash togeth...